JMIERR Mens Casual Joggers Pants
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Posted: 9 months ago


Price: $29.99
Ad ID 3824
Condition: New

Twill elastic and comfortable Breathable material: 94%Cotton, 6%Elastane, more breathable and softer, twill casual pants made of highly elastic materials, providing great flexibility and sports comfort in daily life. Sports design: In order to increase the comfort of sports, the tapered sports pants are made of micro-elastic fabrics, the waist can be adjusted with a long drawstring, and the front and back pockets have a three-dimensional leather label design. Reinforced pockets: Sports casual pants design, with 2 pockets on the front and 2 pockets on the back. Reinforced treatment at the pocket, keep your phone, keys or wallet from falling out when jogging or running. Multiple occasions: Adjustable internal drawstring and elastic waistband design on the workout sweatpants, tapered leg and slim design make you look slim and fit. With this jogging pants, you can wear it in training, track and field, gym, yoga, hiking, exercise, running, bodybuilding, weightlifting, basketball, work, outdoor or any other type of sports activities, daily life and work. Sizing & Service: Please refer to the JMIERR size chart before ordering, not Amazon size chart

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  • Joggers Sweatpants
  • Track Jogging Sweatpants
  • Cotton Drawstring Joggers Sweatpants
  • Hiking Joggers Sweatpants
  • JMIERR Mens Casual Joggers Pants
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