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What are Urgent Ads?

Urgent Ads add a special banner to your listing, showing you're ready for a fast sale or have a limited-time offer. This catches the eye of potential buyers, letting them know they need to act quickly.

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How to feature your Ad

You can feature your ad or mark it as urgent when posting it or anytime afterward through Manage Your Ads.

Post Your Ad

Post Your Ad

Choose the right category for your ad, complete the posting form, and check the "featured" option before you hit publish.

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Manage Ad

If you decide to feature an ad you've already published, it's easy. Go to your profile, find "Manage Ads," and select "Edit Ad" to make the changes.

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Select the Duration

The cost of a Featured Ad varies depending on how long you want it to run and where you want it displayed. Use the dropdown menus to find the perfect combination for your needs and budget. You can start as little as £ 0.30 per day


To Pay for Featuring Your Ad

Through our Stripe integration, you can securely pay using your credit or debit card or your PayPal account. We aim to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible so you can focus on getting your ad the attention it deserves.


You can make your ads stand out by listing them as Featured or Urgent on these key pages:

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Get maximum exposure by showcasing your ad on the front page of our platform.

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Attract targeted views by featuring your ad on the relevant category page.

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Reach an even more specific audience by featuring your ad on the appropriate subcategory page.

Why should you feature your ads?

Get your ads featured for more calls and quicker sales.

Maximize your ad's exposure by showcasing it on the front page of our platform. Reach a larger audience, attract more potential buyers, and sell your items faster. Don't let your ad get lost in the crowd—put it in the spotlight where it counts. Featured ads get noticed, drive more calls, and lead to quicker sales. Invest in featuring your ad and see the difference it makes!

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Boost Visibility: Featured Ads grab attention, ensuring more people see your listing.

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Sell Faster: The "Urgent" tag shows buyers you're motivated for quick sales or running limited deals.

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Reach More Customers: Featured Ads stand out and reach a wider audience.

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